Friday, December 23, 2011

Parts of the body en español

Fifth graders learned the parts of the body in Spanish. Students experimented with creating their own "word art" to illustrate the vocabulary words for the parts of the body. Can you figure out what the following words mean based on their artwork?

Students also created their own diagram to practice naming parts of the body. Check out these amazing drawings!:
After the break, we will begin filming patient/doctor dialogues that deal with the various symptoms of a "mysterious illness". Check back in January for the results!

Señora Sears

Friday, December 9, 2011

Kandinsky collages

Grade 1

Color Study Collage
In the style of Wassily Kandinsky

Students in first grade created torn paper collages in the style of Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. Color, pattern, art history as well as developing fine motor skills were explored while using Kandinsky as inspiration. Tearing paper and controlling the direction in which the paper would rip was not as easy as it looked but the students worked hard to create the abstract oval shapes in the different sizes shown. The results look like the famous Kandinsky painting, Colour Study: Squares with Concentric Circles.
~Mrs. Yutkins, Art


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ballroom Dancing

The fifth grade completed their ballroom dancing instruction last week. With a grant from the Spaulding Education Fund, we were able to bring back Miss Tina to teach our 5th graders the tango, the cha cha, the merengue, swing, and a polka mixer. Some of these dances will be performed at the Holiday Concert on December 20th. We are also in the process of trying to bring the fifth graders from Manchester and Essex together to dance, as the Essex students completed the same program.

Mr. Lamothe, P.E.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Caught in the Web

You may have heard your Memorial School student talk about "Caught in the Web" and wondered what they were talking about!!  Caught in the Web is Memorial School's technology resource website full of great online educational resources including games, online databases, research source lists, and Memorial School Podcasts By The Sea produced by our own students in grades Kindergarten-Grade 5!

Check it out at:

I am always adding new links, games and educational resources so feel free to check back often with your child and take advantage of all the technology at our well as enjoy watching your own Memorial student show off their technical savvy because Caught in the Web is a site they use on daily basis here at school!

- Mrs. Seymour, Memorial School Technology Teacher

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Maya Sun Stone Calendars

Students in grade 5 continued their social studies unit in the art room by learning about the way the Maya culture made stone sun calendars. Each calendar was made from Crayola Model Magic air dry clay and  arranged on thick card stock. Clay, beans, shells and or buttons were used to represent the days in the year, while images of animals and nature represented the changing months. Once painted  the calendars were ready for display.
Mrs. Yutkins, Memorial Elementary Art Teacher

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ancient Civilizations

Students in Grade 5 use iPads, books and World Book online to research about the Aztec, Inca and Maya civilizations as a part of a collaborative unit between Social Studies, Library and Technology.


iLearn, youLearn, weLearn the iPads

Students in Grades 2-5 practice using the iPads in Technology and Library. They practice accessing and navigating the educational apps and the new Library database on the iPads.